Saturday, January 23, 2010

Form and Content I

This image was found in Communication Arts magazine in the year 1969. It is a title page for a collection for a charity in the U.S. The collection's quote is "Buddy, can you spare thirteen and half billion dollars?" The illustration is by Bernard Simpson. I found this piece in the CA, 1969, periodical, volume 11:1, 1969, page 27. This piece is plain and simple. The extended hand coming from the right of the page seems as if it is waiting to recieve a donation. The text "Charity in America" looks as if its hovering over the hand, like the hand is holding the text. This piece is visually interesting because of its simplicity, the message easily portrayed. The font of the text adds character and visual interest to the piece. The font makes the piece have more of a vintage feel. The image and the text is centered and in alignment with one another. The hand is more plain compared to the text font. Having a more decorative text font brings more focus to the text.
Week Two Photos

Week One Photos


